Our parish communites are very grateful for the financial support that is given to us. People have the choice of donating to the work and responsibilities of the parish.d Giving To donate by using Planned Giving Program envelopes, please download the file titled "Why give to PGP". To donate by credit card/direct debit, please download the file titled "Electronic PGP form". Return the forms by either email, post or in person.
If you wanted to help provide for the work of the parish into the future by way of making a bequest in your will and you wish for further information to do so, please don't hesitate to contact the parish office.
This avenue is for the support of the local priest and the priests in general throughout our diocese. Donations are usually made at the first collection time at mass, but if you wish to make donations at any other time or make a bequest in your will, then please don't hesitate to contact the parish office.